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FEBRUARY 2, 2016

Vulcan’s LWE Series Steamer – A First

By Lee Davis, CFSP


Steaming is an ancient way to cook food. In Arizona, archaeologists have found steam pits used for cooking as long as 10,000 years ago. In China, steam cooking vessels of various sorts, dating from between 5000 to 3500 BC, have been unearthed from archaeological digs. More recently, the Viennese invented the original deck steam ovens in the 1800s for baking baguettes.


With such a long history of popular use, it’s truly noteworthy when something new comes along in the world of steam cooking. Last week, Larry Lyons, Business Unit Manager for Vulcan, showed me the C24EA-LWE oven. It’s the first and only ENERGY STAR® qualified, electric, à la carte countertop steamer. The LWE stands for “low water energy.”


This electric steamer operates on up to 50% less energy than traditional models, saving on utility costs, but also operates with up to 90% less water. Where traditional models use up to 35 gallons per hour, the Vulcan ENERGY STAR® LWE does the same job with just 3.5 gallons per hour.


Where water is scarce, the LWE is a great step toward conservation. Where water is abundant, you’ll still see plenty of benefits. Less water means less water filtering and fewer filter changes. It also means less scale, which results in less cleaning and maintenance. Moreover, the unit requires less drain tempering water for unused steam. Finally, if you’re in a jurisdiction where ENERGY STAR® rebates are available, then don’t forget to include one in your savings calculations.


The Vulcan ENERGY STAR® LWE has a stainless steel exterior and cooking compartment with coved corners for easy cleaning. It is available in 3 or 5 pan capacity, and comes with adjustable, leveling, counter legs. It can also be mounted on an available accessory stand, or stacked for increased capacity with an available stacking kit.


Click here to request a quote and to learn more about the Vulcan C24EA-LWE.

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